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Empowering Experienced Professionals for Successful Career Transitions

Mindset Metamorphosis: Transforming Beliefs for Career Breakthroughs with Naheed Oberfeld

  • Mon, June 17, 2024
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • VIRTUAL MEETING! Please register to receive login information.
  • 82


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Mindset Metamorphosis:

Transforming Beliefs for Career Breakthroughs

Are you working hard but not realizing the career progress you deserve? Is your inner critic blocking your full potential?

Each of us has an "upper limit ceiling" created by our own limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. This invisible barrier can cost you dearly in terms of stalled career growth, diminished income, and unnecessary stress. But what if you could break through this ceiling and soar to new heights?

Join Naheed Oberfeld of Oberfeld Coaching (Speaker, Mindset Coach, and Certified “EFT/Tapping” Practitioner) on this journey of self-discovery and unlock your true potential. Shift from stress to success and embrace a life of purpose, passion, and prosperity.

In this transformative session you'll learn:

       Your hidden beliefs and thought patterns that keep you from accomplishing your big goals

      The impact of your inner beliefs on your financial goals, well-being, and overall success

      Why you may feel unproductive, stressed, or emotionally and physically drained

      A powerful exercise to break through your upper limit


Testimonials From Seminars

“I discovered my NEW self-worth!”

 “I learned to not underestimate yourself.”

                                   “I realized that I am getting in my own way.”

“I became aware of how my subconscious keeps me down”

“I will not allow anxiety and stress to get in the way of my personal goals”

About the Speaker

Prepare to have your socks metaphorically blown off by Naheed Oberfeld, the Mindset Maven extraordinaire! This certified EFT/Tapping practitioner and success strategist is on a mission to silence your inner critic and unleash your full potential. With an uncanny ability to read minds (or at least mindsets), Naheed has a knack for identifying the unconscious patterns and limiting beliefs holding you back. As one client raved, "Naheed really gets me in a way others never have."Her proven 3-step program has led to exclamations like "I had the best 4th quarter sales ever!" Now that's a mindset makeover! Whether you're an entrepreneur or corporate warrior, let the Mindset Maven propel you towards fulfillment, joy, and abundance.

This will be a VIRTUAL MEETING!! Please register online to receive instructions about logging in to the Zoom session. Login instructions will be emailed to all participants who register for the session.

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